Scripting Helma |
Sonntag, 11. August 2002
Hello World
After we succesfully installed Helma, we will write our first application: The traditional "Hello World" example. In your Helma directory you will find a folder named "apps". There you will find the existing apps, that had been distributed with Helma, and you can access through the "Base"-application. ( http://localhost:8080 ). To create a new application you have to open the file in the Helma directory with a texteditor: As you can see the hold a list of applcation names, that are running at your server. So we add a line at the end of the file with the name of our "helloworld" application. When you go back to the helma/apps folder you will find a newly created helma/apps/helloworld folder. In there you will find 4 subfolders: helma/apps/helloworld/global helma/apps/helloworld/hopobject helma/apps/helloworld/root helma/apps/helloworld/user For our "Hello World" application we will just need the root folder. As the name says this is the "root"-directory of our application, which we can access via the URL http://localhost:8080/applicationname (in our case http://localhost:8080/helloworld). Create a textfile called "main.hac" in the root folder, and open it with a text editor. Type the following line: ".hac" files are our "Helma Action" files, which we can access via the URL. "main.hac" is something like index.html on a static web server. That means this file will be automatically called when we access a Helma node (in this case the root-node). So helma/apps/helloworld/root/main.hac can be called via the URL's http://localhost:8080/applicationname/main or just http://localhost:8080/applicationname . What you can see in your browser should be the line: Hello World!
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Last modified: 08.08.02, 10:22 Status
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