Scripting Helma
Freitag, 15. November 2002
Controlling the form behaviour

Last time our application was able to create forums, but in a VERY uncontrolled way.

.hac Helma Actions
To control the creation of new forums the user should be able to hit a link or button, which says "add a forum". This link will call a function on the server, which is adding a new forum and redirects back to the main page of our application.

.hac files are functions(), which can be called via an URL.

That means our "add a new forum" function will be a .hac file, which we can call via a link on the start page. So lets create a new .hac file, which we will call "addforum.hac" in the root directory.

var aNewForum = new forum();

and clean up the code in main.hac and add there a link:

for (var i=0; i<this.count(); i++) {
res.write('<a href="'+this.get(i).href("main")+'">');
res.write('Forum No.'+i+'</a><br>');
res.write('<a href="'+this.href("addforum")+'">add a new forum</a><br>');;

the only line which is new is

This means the user is send to the page "main" in root. This is the same, as the user would click a link in hers browser.

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Last modified: 08.08.02, 10:22
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