Scripting Helma |
Hello World
After we succesfully installed Helma, we will write our first application: The traditional "Hello World" example. In your Helma directory you will find a folder named "apps". There you will find the existing apps, that had been distributed with Helma, and you can access through the "Base"-application. ( http://localhost:8080 ). To create a new application you have to open the file in the Helma directory with a texteditor: As you can see the hold a list of applcation names, that are running at your server. So we add a line at the end of the file with the name of our "helloworld" application. When you go back to the helma/apps folder you will find a newly created helma/apps/helloworld folder. In there you will find 4 subfolders: helma/apps/helloworld/global helma/apps/helloworld/hopobject helma/apps/helloworld/root helma/apps/helloworld/user For our "Hello World" application we will just need the root folder. As the name says this is the "root"-directory of our application, which we can access via the URL http://localhost:8080/applicationname (in our case http://localhost:8080/helloworld). Create a textfile called "main.hac" in the root folder, and open it with a text editor. Type the following line: ".hac" files are our "Helma Action" files, which we can access via the URL. "main.hac" is something like index.html on a static web server. That means this file will be automatically called when we access a Helma node (in this case the root-node). So helma/apps/helloworld/root/main.hac can be called via the URL's http://localhost:8080/applicationname/main or just http://localhost:8080/applicationname . What you can see in your browser should be the line: Hello World! ... Link
How can you get involved?
11:48h is providing a lot of gates which you can enter to participate. Whether you are a programing pro, or just somebody interessted - there are ways for you to get in contact with the community and help. Mailing lists Bug Database CVS ... Link
How to script Helma ....
That's what you would love to know. .... RIGHT! Antville is OpenSource. And it's based on Helma, which is OpenSource too. (read the intro page of antville) What does this mean to you? It's free! O.k. that's right, but this is not the real power of OpenSource.... You can customize and extend it!!! This website will try to teach you the secretes of Helma, so you can get involved and extend your personal antville, or program other nice applications with Helma. These applications don't have to be OS, and can be VERY powerfull, like a lot of ORF ON websites demonstrate. If you want to know who is behind Helma check: So your comments are welcome. Where should this site go? What are you interessted in? Q, Q, Q's ... At the beginning i will go through a simple Web-Forum application... But after that .. ? lets see ... About me: ... Link |
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Last modified: 08.08.02, 10:22 Status
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